A Place to Focus When Feeling Discouraged


I slumped into a chair and froze, unable to respond.

My boys unleashed pent up emotions towards their sister. Their arms flailed as they spewed, “You’re not my real sister. You don’t belong in our family. I hate you.” Their eyes blasted bullets as they browbeat her. They even banged the house walls in frustration.

My heart longed to ease my boys’ pain. Their ten and eleven-year-old worlds toppled and turned after we adopted a six-year-old girl a month prior. Her take-charge personality led her to enter their bedrooms without asking permission, sit in their established kitchen and car seats, and take over the television. Compounding this, her deeply rooted desire for a mom left me preoccupied with meeting her needs. I even left my job and spent my days with her to help the attachment process.

I felt sorry for my daughter who shouldered the sting of my boys’ hurtful words. Her bulging eyes stared into mine and pleaded, “Help. Me.”

I wanted to comfort her, but I didn’t. I felt paralyzed, overwhelmed, and spent.

Thank God for my husband. He diffused the situation by setting boundaries with our sons and consoling our daughter. But still, discouragement lingered.

How did we lose control of our once peaceful family?

I later heard God’s whisper as I sat alone in my thoughts. Why are you afraid? I’m in control.

I realized I had fixated on the problem instead of releasing it to the Problem Fixer.

The psalmist in 121:1-2 writes: “I lift my eyes up to the hills – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

Where do you seek help? Friends? Family? Pastors? Positive Thinking? These sources may be useful, but the psalmist’s direction is clear. Turn to the Almighty Lord.

The psalmist wrote this message as a song during the Jewish people’s pilgrimage towards Jerusalem for the annual feasts. They were likely ascending towards their place of worship.

The visual of looking skywards captures my attention.

When my heart aches and my worries overtake my thoughts, it’s hard to break free. I now try to shift my eyes upwards. This intentional action reminds me to lay my problems before the Lord. It leads to prayer which then loosens the foothold of fear.

Perhaps you could try this strategy?

If you’re feeling discouraged, remember to lift your eyes up to the Lord. Physically. That’s the first step. The rest will follow as you focus on Him.

When life feels out of control, know that God is in control.  


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